The library sees job-seekers’ questions daily. Librarians are prepared to help you answer questions about any of the resources on these pages.
Wondering how to write a cover letter? No problem. Need to find info on your chosen career? Our tools can help.
Want a personalized critique and edit workshop? Send your resume and/or cover letter to and our team of specialists (with experience workshopping hundreds of resumes and cover letters) will take a look and help you put your best foot forward!
Before you start your search, make sure you're ready with a stellar cover letter and resume. Our tools will help you create them so that when you do find the perfect job, you can apply right away.
Ready to start your search? These local databases and job hunt tips will help you find something in Northwest Indiana that matches your skills and needs.
Now that you've found a job you want, all you have to do is apply. Get help navigating online applications, brush up on your interview skills, and even get in-person help preparing to apply for a job.
Sometimes it feels like there are a million details to take care of when job searching or starting a new job. What local resources and grants are available to help you with things like continuing education, childcare, and other concerns?