Whenever you check out an item, you'll immediately receive an email containing the due date for each item. No more worrying about mixing up or losing date-due cards!
You will also receive an email when you renew an item to help you keep track of the new due date.
If you don't have an email address listed with us but want to add one to your account to start receiving emailed receipts, just let us know! You can either tell us the next time you check out, or give us a call.
Remember, LCPL only uses your email address to send you library-related information, like notifications that your books are due soon. We will never sell your information or use it to send spam.
You can also get e-receipts via text message. Just ask and we'll turn on that option for you. Be warned, though - because of character limits on text messages, you'll receive a separate text for every item you check out or renew!
If you don't have a mobile phone that can receive texts AND you don't have an email address, but you think e-receipts sound really convenient, just stop by your local library and ask for a librarian's help setting up an email address of your very own. Email addresses are free, and we can help you get started quickly.
If you do not wish to receive e-receipts, let us know the next time you check out.