Need space for new books on your shelves? Don't use those old CDs now that everything's digital? Want to get rid of some old movies? Why not help others discover your old favorites by donating them to the library!
You probably know that the library is supported by tax dollars. But do you know what we do with those dollars?
Tax dollars support the library in a lot of ways - like paying to keep the buildings open and stocking up our collection with great books and streaming content. But there's a lot we don't use your tax dollars for.
We don't use tax money for the giveaways we hold, and we don't use it for prizes - that wouldn't really be fair! We also don't use those funds for Summer Reading or several other programs the library holds for our younger patrons.
The Friends of the Lake County Public Library sponsors thousands of free library programs for patrons, including the Summer Reading Program, various giveaways and prizes, National Library Card Sign Up Month events, and more. How did they do this? We are pleased to say that our community loves reading so much, the Friends were able to sponsor these programs using proceeds from book sales!
All branches have a sale rack, and the Merrillville branch is home to our full book sale room (which also sells movies and music). The better their sales do, the better we can make our free programs.
We stock the book sale room with donations. While some donations that are in very good condition do end up in our circulating collection, many of them land in our book sale room to continue benefitting the library (and to bring enjoyment to others!) Naturally, the more material we have in the book sale room, the more likely it is someone will find something they want. So if you've got materials that are just taking up space in your home, we're happy to take them off your hands and put them into someone else's!
Bring your items (we'll take books, magazines, DVDs, and CDs) to your nearest Lake County Public Library. Be aware that we can't accept textbooks or encyclopedias. Make sure the items are in decent condition - we don't take anything mildewed/wet/smelly!
That's it - just bring them to us, and we'll take care of the rest. If you would like a receipt when you drop off the items, just ask (please note that the receipt will only note the number of items donated - we do not appraise the items).
Note: Cedar Lake, Dyer-Schererville, Griffith-Calumet Twp, Hobart, and St. John branches have a puzzle exchange! Take a puzzle, leave a puzzle. You can also donate puzzles. Puzzles with no missing pieces only, please!